rpg stuff - Tag: masters of umdaar A blog by Nathan Hare about Fate Core and other roleplaying games. https://rpg.nathanhare.net Blog Update! Jan. 18, 2018, 1:33 p.m. Recently, I have been trying to create a web portfolio for myself and I've been hoping to learn a new web framework (Django) in the process. As a result I rebuilt this blog from the ground up, updated the Storygen rpg tool, and created a new character generator for Masters of Umdaar. So here's ... ]]> https://rpg.nathanhare.net/2018/01/18/blog-update fate core masters of umdaar tool ttrpg web Rampaging Across Umdaar April 13, 2017, 11:20 a.m. A quick post about a recent Masters of Umdaar game where the players ran into a crazed dehydrated sharkman in the desert.... ]]> https://rpg.nathanhare.net/2017/04/13/rampaging-across-umdaar fate core masters of umdaar play report ttrpg Masters of Umdaar - Con Oneshot Sept. 6, 2016, 12:40 p.m. Over Labor Day weekend, I had the privilege of running Masters of Umdaar for the firsttime. I ran the game at the Gamers of Summer conference in Harrisburg, PA. We only had two players since I didn't schedule it ahead of time, but we still had a lot of fun. One player was Andy, who plays Filius... ]]> https://rpg.nathanhare.net/2016/09/06/masters-umdaar-con-oneshot convention fate core masters of umdaar oneshot play report review ttrpg