Fate Bestiary

Tag: plant

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2 of 45 NPCs


  • Chaotic awakened shrubs
  • Dry wood


Fair (+2): Thrash(Fight/Athletics)
Average (+1): Trip(Crafts), Poison(Shoot)


Nature Discipline. You have mastered control over nature. You can grow plants from nothing, grab enemies with vines and tree limbs, fire thorns at a foe from range, and secrete poisonous toxins. You can animate and command plants to do your bidding.

Stress & Consequences


  • Patient protector of the forest
  • Indistinguishable when still
  • Ancient knowledge


Fantastic (+6): Smash(Fight)
Superb (+5): Grow, Camoflauge(Stealth), Lore
Great (+4): Throw(Shoot), Will, Physique


Nature Discipline. You have mastered control over nature. You can grow plants from nothing, grab enemies with vines and tree limbs, fire thorns at a foe from range, and secrete poisonous toxins. You can animate and command plants to do your bidding.

Stress & Consequences


Unless stated otherwise, the text of the above NPCs is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
Art is used without permission. nathanhare.net has no affiliation with the artists and claims no rights to the art.

About the Bestiary

These NPCs were created using Fate Core and are offered as a resource to GMs and players. NPCs with the pregen tag are full-fledged characters that can be used as-is for player characters or Main NPCs in your games.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or ideas, let me know in the comments below! For more information, check out this blog post.

Copyright © 2018, Nathan Hare
All rights reserved
